Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Preparatory Phase

In this phase, knees are now bent at about a 35 degree angle. You now have your right hand under the ball and the left hand is on the left side of the ball acting as a guide hand.  The ball is now about stomach level.

Shoulder girdle- Scapulothoracic is slightly elevated by the levator scapulae, rhomboids and the middle fibers of the trap.

Shoudler joint muscles- isometric contraction by the flexors of the anterior fibers of the deltoid, pectoralis major and coracobrachialis.

Elbow joint- the elbow flexors are contracting isometrically

Hip joint- isometric contraction using the iliopsoas, rectus femoris, sartorius, pectineus, Gracilis, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris, gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, and tensor fasciae latae.

Knee joint- eccentric flexion using the Sartorius, Gracilis, Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, Bicep Femoris, Popliteus. Gastrocnemius, and Plantaris

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